Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Follow up Notes After an Interview.

In this fast passed society of texting and emailing, a simple thank you note often gets forgotten or in some cases, is not even a thought while job searching. But it can make all the difference in solidifying a great first impression.
Thank you notes are essential to closing the good interview, but many job seekers do not take the time. Why do it?

Thank you notes set a job seeker apart from other applicants. A hand written note really does still make an impression, and better yet, differentiates you from the other candidates, and emailed thank you notes are appropriate. At the very least, a thank you email should always be sent after an interview to anyone you met at the company (it is preferable to personalize the note mentioning something you discussed in the interview), preferably within 24 hours of the interview. Send a quick note to anyone that helped you in the job search and that you want to develop a relationship with. Reiterate your interest and summarize your strengths based on the main points of the interview.

Thank you notes demonstrate that you are good with people. It tells people that you have grace and gratitude and that you want the job. Your thank you note lets the employer know that you are courteous and are genuinely interested in working for a great organization like theirs. Your note lets them know that you went out of your way to make to show interest in the company.

A good thank you note does not need to be lengthy. Short and to the point with finesse will increase your affinity with those that have the authority to hire you. Don’t forget to use correct salutations and address the note to the specific individual with which you spoke.

A well -written thank you note shows that you are organized and on top of your game. It shows that you are serious about your career and are taking next steps to be their next hire. Take time to write each thank you note in a unique way and use to “soft sell” your potential employer the perfect fit for the position – YOU!


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