Before Inviting People to Connect On LinkedIn...
Do not send any more invitations to connect on LinkedIn until you read this.
You’ve heard you should always customize your LinkedIn invitation to connect, but I bet you didn’t know these secrets.
In the early days of LinkedIn, it wasn’t hard to figure out how to customize your invitation to connect with someone. But times have changed and even I have accidentally sent an invitation without tailoring it first.
The Default Message Is A Turn-off
Many LinkedIn users complain about the impersonal invitations they receive. And I did too. Until I realized some senders didn't do it on purpose. Here’s what happens: LinkedIn doesn’t always give you the opportunity to select which type of message to send. So it isn’t that the person is lazy or doesn’t want to change the message- they often don’t have the chance.
But now you know! No more excuses!
If you make a mistake and accidentally send your invitation without a customized message, do the right thing and send a follow-up message to the person explaining why you want to connect.
Never Click to Connect Unless You Are On The Person’s Profile
LinkedIn prompts you, in fact, they tease you, to connect with people you should know. This happens when you see "people you may know", when you search for someone and see search results and the blue connect button in the search results, and many other places on LinkedIn. Just remember, always go to the person’s profile and connect from the connect button on their profile page!
Sending An Invite From Your Mobile Device
Warning, don't just click on the connect button from your mobile device. You have to take an extra step and click on the three dots (top right of the screen) in order to customize your invitation from your mobile device.
Sending An Invite From Your Mobile Device
Warning, don't just click on the connect button from your mobile device. You have to take an extra step and click on the three dots (top right of the screen) in order to customize your invitation from your mobile device.
How Do You Know Each Other
Which option do you select to indicate how you know someone. If colleague,classmate or we’ve done business together don’t fit, friend is usually a good option. The person you invite will not see how you have categorized or tagged them at this point, so don’t worry about that.
Here are some reminders:
- Always connect directly from the person’s profile.
- Do not use your mobile device (tablet or smartphone) to connect with someone unless you take the extra step.
- Send a follow-up message if you make a mistake
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